Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Descriptive text

Berparas tampan, tinggi, berhidung mancung, kulit sawo matang, berbibir seksi, baik hati, suka menolong, ramah senyum, senyumnya manis, pintar bergaul, pandai dalam pelajaran, sayang kepada siapa saja terlebih dengan orang tuanya, bijaksana.
Pernahkah anda bertemu dengan ciri-ciri laki-laki di atas?
apabila bertemu harap lapor karna lelaki tersebut adalah Ayah saya :)
Untuk topik selanjutnya adalah tentang Descriptive text :)
Yakni tentang mendeskripsikan seseorang, benda, sesuatu dan seterusnya.
untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut.
cekidot! :D
Descriptive Text is available for a screen reader device to audibly describe a graph or map so a visually impaired user can understand the graphical information . Or to describe the characteristic of particular Person, thing , or place .

Text structure:
- Identification: Identifies thing, person, place, phenomenon 
   to be described.
- Description: Gives the information of particular thing, person, or place

  being discussed  or describes parts, qualities or characteristic.
  Language figures:
 - Topic is usually about the attributes of a think.
 - The use of think person pronoun forms is used.
 - The use of focus specific human and non human participants.
 - The use of reasoning expressed as verbs or noun.
 - The use of material.
 - The use of relation and mental process.


 - Use the simple present tense.
 - Using detailed noun phrases to provide information on the subject.
 - Uses relating verbs to provide information on the subject.
 - Use the thinking and feeling verbs to reveal personal views about

    the subject author.
 - Use action verbs.
 - Use adverbials to provide additional information.
 - Use figurative language such as simile, metaphor.

 Grammatical features:
- Who? What?
- Using linking verb and simple present tense,
- Epithet: adjective or adjective phrase,
- Attributive (the)
- Use a attributive and identifying process,
- Focus an specific participants,
- Frequent use of epithets and classified in nominal groups

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